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Hulk is missing Lionel Messi and Antonela Roccuzzo had to make a heartbreaking pet dog decision when they moved to Inter Miami | Goalcom

Table of Contents

    L. MessiInter MiamiMLSBarcelonaUnited States

    Lionel Messi and his wife Antonela Roccuzzo are enjoying life in the United States, but pet dog Hulk has not joined them at Inter Miami.

    Article continues below

    • Argentine superstar now in the United States
    • Embracing a new challenge in America
    • Family pet being looked after in Barcelona


    Article information

    Author: Steven King

    Last Updated: 1702609204

    Views: 596

    Rating: 4.8 / 5 (75 voted)

    Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Steven King

    Birthday: 1994-03-09

    Address: 06273 Jason Tunnel Suite 677, Shaneberg, LA 23487

    Phone: +4310569002449034

    Job: Electrician

    Hobby: Puzzle Solving, Baking, Video Editing, Archery, Crochet, Meditation, Yoga

    Introduction: My name is Steven King, I am a expert, resolute, honest, proficient, unyielding, resolved, vivid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.